Social Media Battle
User vs. Company

Redoing this project, I specifically focused on addressing my learning points from the previous attempt while finding a personal path to merge Industrial Design and Science Education by addressing the issues I encountered in education.

Using a Learning Experience Design (LXD) approach, I created Social Media Battle: User vs. Company, an educational game that enhances algorithmic literacy in students aged 12 to 16. The game helps students understand, critically evaluate and develop the skills to manage or even influence social media algorithms.

In this project, I confidently made design decisions and validated them using targeted research methods, like the MDA framework, Game Experience Questionnaire, and Algorithmic Literacy Scales (D&RP), supported by LXD tools (C&A). Analyzing the extensive amount of data required new data analysis skills (MD&C), leading to new insights and quicker design decisions (D&RP). Both allowed me to develop (myself) in other areas, including the form and visuals of the physical game and application (C&A), integration of sensors and actuators in an educational design (T&R, MD&C) and to experiment with techniques and materials to create functional prototypes (C&A).

M2.1 Design Project
2023-2024 Semester B
Tilde Bekker
Expertise Area’s
D&RP | T&R | U&S | MD&C | C&A
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