Behind the Feed

A Learning Experience on Social Media Algorithms

This project continued the M2.1 design project, aiming to develop a comprehensive learning experience that enhances algorithmic literacy of social media algorithms in students aged 12 to 16, enables them to apply this in daily life, and incorporates Social Media Battle. It also addressed the lack of development in B&E, by developing the learning experience within an existing business context.

Behind the feed is a gamified learning experience on social media algorithms for students aged 12 to 16 years old. Consisting of five phases, students explore how social media algorithms work, evaluate their impact, and develop the skills to use social media more critically, contributing to their algorithmic literacy. It features three interconnected games, Enter the Bubble, Guess the Data & Video, and Social Media Battle, combined with learning material and class discussions to foster critical thinking and responsible social media use.

This project showcased my competence development throughout the master and allowed me to learn and apply new participatory design and research techniques (U&S, D&RP, C&A). Focusing on the learner through LXD, I critically reflected on the underlying methodology (U&S, C&A, D&RP). I also gained significant insights into designing within a business context, developing a business design strategy in parallel with the design, mutually enhancing both developments (B&E, T&R, D&RP).

Overall, this project showed and deepened my development as an educational designer focused on enhancing digital literacy through learner-centered, goal-oriented design.

M2.2 Final Master Project
2024-2025 Semester A
Tilde Bekker
Expertise Area’s
D&RP | T&R | U&S | MD&C | C&A | B&E
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